Saturday, July 21, 2012


Well, I used to be a good speller--way back before spell check on computers.  Or way before checking so many spelling tests at school....  It gets hard to recognize correct spelling after seeing so many misspelled words on tests and in writing assignments.  Then, again, a lot of my misspelled words are just fingers hitting the wrong keys when I type.  Spell check doesn't catch them all.

I was looking up information on lightening bugs, and found out that I'd spelled the word incorrectly.  They are lightning bugs.  Ah, well, my blog will always have the wrong spelling in my URL.

The other day I was sending out a prayer request, and I did not notice that I'd misspelled "moms" --meaning more than one mom.  Instead I'd typed "mom's."  It seems to me that my spelling is getting worse and worse.

Back to lightning bugs...

Recently in the Tribune Review  there was an article stating that lightning bugs were decreasing greatly in most states, but that in western PA there were a lot of them, maybe more than there have been in many years.  One reason given for their increase in numbers is because we've had such mild winters the past few years.  That reason I understand.  But they also said they thought it was because of our "plentiful rainfall."  If rain is needed for them to proliferate, then next year we may not have as many lightning bugs, it seems to me.  We've been in a drought, except for the major downpours we get once in awhile.  Gardens have been suffering from the lack of rain.  Grass is brown in our yard and in many other yards around.  I hope that we have had enough rain to keep the lightning bugs in large numbers.

The article goes on to say that a lightning bug (or firefly) lives 2 weeks to a month only.  I assume that means the lightning bug is not being put in jars and left there to die.  Children are not catching them to take the light off to put on their fingers as rings.  The lightning bugs are allowed to live their lives as God created them to be.

Which leads me to wonder, am I living my life the way God created me to live?  Am I following His will, or am I doing my own thing and hoping that He is going with me and is okay with my choices?  I want to follow Him and be His hands and feet, but is that just what I think and not what I do?  Or am I really allowing Him to use me?  What would He say?  Do I live my Christian walk as carelessly as I seem to spell anymore?  Or do I walk on the path He's wanting to lead me on? 

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