Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I never thought I'd ever have a need to blog. But on June 8, 2012, a status update on Facebook made me realize that the time had come for me to join the ranks of the bloggers. There wasn't enough room in the comment section on Facebook for all of the thoughts racing through my head about that status update. But I didn't actually sign up for the blog until yesterday, July 16. I wrote my response to the status on paper, but didn't understand how to sign up to actually begin a blog (or maybe I didn't have the nerve to actually do this) But here I am now. This blog will be an outlet for some of the thoughts that get jumbled up in my head. If no one but God and me reads this, that is fine with me. But I may email the next writing to the person who made the status update that started all of this. God already knows what I'm thinking. I'm the one that needs to write out my thoughts to make sense of them. I'm hoping that when my fingers are typing, God will also speak to me.

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